The end of "Pretty Little Liars"?

by - aprilie 19, 2015

Pretty Little Liars will span a further 40 episodes to its conclusion in Season 7, executive producer Marlene King has confirmed. The 20-episode sixth season of PLL premieres June 2, with the seventh and final season slated to bow spring 2016 for a potential 2017 series finale.

I don't know about y'all, but I'm tired of this entire "A" story. I liked it, but now it gets boring and non-sense. I missed the last 10 episodes, just because of this. And now that I know who is the "A" - or at least what Laura told me - I don't know if I want to keep watching...

What about you? Are you watching this TV show? Are you happy that it will end?

- Diana

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  1. Sincer sa fiu, da, ma bucur ca se termina, pentru ca devenea cam telenovelistica. Nu am văzut decat 3 sezoane la tv si nu pot spune ca e preferatul meu... *too much drama*
