Weekly update #8
Hello, my dearest friends ^.^ !
We all knew and loved Jonas Brothers. But where did they go? Well, Jonas Brothers officially called it quits in 2012, Kevin has a tv show with his wife, Nick keep releasing good-hit-jam music and Joe's been steadily DJing ever since. Recently, Joe put on his instagram this little preview of something that may be our "new favorite band".
At the moment, the @dnce Instagram account is private (but accepting followers!) with a bio that screams (literally speaking, because it's in all caps) "YOUR NEW FAVORITE BAND." There are zero photos, but some sleuth skills reveal that the account is only following four people: Jack Lawless, a former Jonas Brothers drummer; Cole Whittle, the former Semi Precious Weapons bassist; Jin Joo, a guitarist; and Joe himself. It looks like this Jonas Brother has a band! I like how this preview sounds and maybe it will be one of that bands you listen just for fun ;)
If you are a John Green lover - or not - you may seen "TFIOS" and accidentally felt in love with Augustus Waters aka Ansel Elgort. Well, you need to know that Ansel is not just a good-looking actor, but a musician as well. With the name of Ansolo, he just signed a deal with Island Records, joining the ranks of Nick Jonas, Demi Lovato, Timeflies, and fellow EDM star Avicii.
"For 'To Life,' there are a lot of real instruments in the track, which is a great way to mix nostalgia and this new thing. I'm going to try to get disco-inspired musicians and people playing great bass lines. The next EP will be like a new version of disco that will also have my groovy, clubby sound. It's something new," he said. "With this EP, it's going to be something fresh and different. It's not just going to be radio pop. It's going to be real dance music that will hopefully work in any setting, from a festival to a radio."
This is some amazing news because I DO LOVE him so much - now I really want that Teen Vogue magazine (he's on the front cover and maybe there are some good stuff too ^^") - and I hope his music will be much more than some DJ-playing-with-sounds thing.
Now let's talk about some movie adaptions *add confetti*
I'll start with "Divergent" because only God knows how happy I am this thing will be over. So much drama, so much mass-media, so much of everything. Okay, now you can shoot me, but I still don't like the movie. Especially that now I need to stay here in suffer will see the rest of the world stumbling and fall till 2017. The end of the series will be adapted in two movies: "Allegiant" and "Ascendant" and we already have the posters.
"I know changes always make fans of the books — and the author! — nervous, but hopefully the characters we know (and love. Or sometimes love to hate?) will still be intact, which is really the important thing," author Veronica Roth wrote on her Tumblr, adding, "I am eager to see how these movies turn out, along with you guys."
Take a deep breath and keep it like that because I have one more book-news I want to share with you guys. YA fans, rejoice: New York Times bestselling author David Levithan has four more books on the way.
While the specifics of one of these novels is still under wraps, we do know that another is a sequel to his bestselling book "Every Day", while the other two will be co-authored with his long-time collaborator Rachel Cohn (you can read a review of their book here). All four are being published by Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, and imprint of Random House Children's Books.
Keep the breath because... President Barack Obama awarded the National Medal of Arts to Stephen King (!!!) This is so important guys and I am so happy for (the) KING. I do read one of his books, "Carrie", but I want to read so much more. Have you read something written by Stephen King?

Now I'm done with books, but I do have some movie adaption to discuss with you ;)
Actress Zoe Saldana will star in the graphic novel film adaptation "I Kill Giants", with director Anders Walter helming the project with Christopher Columbus producing. Collider reports that after a search of over 500 actresses, Madison Wolfe has been cast as Barbara.
The film’s story follows Barbara, who is a misfit young girl battling real and imaginary monsters. Zoe will co-star in the film as Barbara’s psychologist Mrs. Mollé, who she later forms a bond with as she helps her confront her unique fears.
Director Christopher Columbus will produce the film adaptation and said, “I’m thrilled to have the massively talented Zoe helping us bring Joe Kelly’s beautiful story to life. I couldn’t be more excited to see Mrs. Mollé, a kind, strong and incredibly inspirational character up on the big screen.”
Principal photography on "I Kill Giants" is reportedly set to begin in early 2016.
Now, this one is a book I didn't heard about, but I know about Joey King, so here it is! The book to film adaptation of Jerry Spinelli’s "Stargirl" has cast its two leads.
Charlie Plummer (above left) will play the book’s narrator Leo Borlock and Joey King (above right) has been cast as Stargirl, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Stargirl. From the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in a burst of color and sound, the hallways hum with the murmur of “Stargirl, Stargirl.” She captures Leo Borlock’s heart with just one smile. She sparks a school-spirit revolution with just one cheer. The students of Mica High are enchanted. At first.Then they turn on her. Stargirl is suddenly shunned for everything that makes her different, and Leo, panicked and desperate with love, urges her to become the very thing that can destroy her: normal. In this celebration of nonconformity, Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli weaves a tense, emotional tale about the perils of popularity and the thrill and inspiration of first love.
It seems like "Ready Player One" has its Art3mis! I told you last week about this movie adaption - now the book will be published in our country too (Ed. Nemira) -, and now we have Olivia Cooke as the main character.
Her character Art3mis is the love interest and competitor of Parzival (also known as Wade Watts). The two are competing to uncover a huge easter egg in the digital world of the OASIS. They eventually team up when other competitors — who are evil and have corporate interests in mind — get too close to the prize for comfort.
Since Art3mis is an avatar, presumably we won’t be seeing Cooke on screen much until the end.
The easter egg left by deceased OASIS creator James Halliday includes all of his wealth and control of the OASIS. In other words, a lot is at stake.
Art3mis and Parzival meet each other’s “real” selves by the end of the story. The latter notes his feelings for Art3mis to the reader throughout the book.
Psst! This thing will probably blow your mind. It's about Sia and her little music video dancer.
Maddie Ziegler will star in not just a music video, but a feature film titled “Sister” based on a one-page short story Sia wrote eight years ago. The pair’s collaboration has been everything from gut-wrenchingly emotional to downright controversial, and the concepts are as abstract as they are truly powerful.
Sia claimed she was too embarrassed to tell anyone she wanted to make a movie, telling an audience at the Venice Days film festival that she “thought it would be seen as a vanity project,” as she was known for being a singer. “And then last year after I made the 'Chandelier' video," she added, "I realized I was pretty good at directing, and so I felt a little bit braver," proof that even professionals need a little encouragement to take risks sometimes.
Sia hired friend and author Dallas Clayton to help her with the writing process, and said it consisted of spending three weeks on the couch mapping out the plot, then acting it out and having the dialogue in her head before it went on paper. She claims she’s not one for a more technical process. “When I sing, I just want to sing the melody and write the lyrics. I don’t want to have to do production, which is very technical. I don’t enjoy that. What I do enjoy is the creative process.”
I am more than curious about this project. I don't know if I'll watch it - okay, maybe I'll do just for fun -, but I hope it'll be a good one.
And for the end, I kept the tv shows. There are not much of them, but I do saw some good trailers these days ;)
All the "TVD" fans leave a comment below with their feeling about THE OFFICIAL TRAILER FOR SEASON 7! I'm just asdfghjk. "TVD" is my very first love - like others have "Harry Potter" or "Twilight" - and to be honest, I'll watch it even if there are no characters left, but Damon (or baby Stefan). All these no-Elena thing made me happy, but I still am in doubt about Damon's love life. Is it just me, or now it's time for Steroline fam? *me cheering in the background. pooping the champagne. kiss the wall-size poster i have with pa-- WHAT?* It's time for some bromance!
Maybe you'll skip this part - because I don't know how many of you are watching "The Flesh". This is the "Arrow" spin-off and I do recommend you this tv show if you A) love super heroes, B) watch "Arrow" C) or not D) are in love with Grant Gustin *-* The first season was so intense, but then I saw this trailer and oh. my. God. this autumn will be explosive :O !
Of course I couldn't pass this weekly update without talking about "AHS". But this time I'll leave you this trailer - amazing because it's the first trailer with the actual cast - and nothing more. Enjoy!
Okay, maybe you don't like "AHS", but there are like a million reasons to LOVE "Scream Queens". I told you before about the show - made by the same producers who made "AHS" - but now I want to show you these handsome guy - lol, I'm in love with him since Taylor Swift's Style music video ^^" #dontjudgeme.
Patrick will star in "Scream Queens" and if this is not a good reason to watch it, then I don't know!
This is all for today. I hope you liked it and make sure you share your opinion in the comments below ^-^
Nu stiu de unde aduni atatea informatii interesante :)) eu sunt destul de paralela cu astfel de lucruri :D Cel mai tare sunt curiasa despre Jonas Brothers, cand eram micuta chiar ii ascultam :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMi-e dor de Jonaşi, eram mare fană acum câțiva ani.
RăspundețiȘtergereScream Queens. Vreau să văd Scream Queens.
Abia astept 22 septembrie si 7 octombrie!! Mai este putin pana la Screan Queens si American Horror Story: Hotel.
RăspundețiȘtergereThe Vampire Diaries!!! asdfghjkl....de abia astept sa inceapa :3 , este unul dintre serialele mele preferate. Si sunt curioasa daca din cauza a ce i s-a intamplat Elenei, Damon va redeveni vechiul Damon, periculos, cel care ucide oamenii cu sange rece... Cred ca va fi un sezon interesant:D , mai ales ca ma cam bantuie o intrebare de ceva timp.."Oare Elena se va intoarce?"hmm...cred ca ramane de vazut ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereNu Stiu Ce Sa Spun De The Vampire Diaries, Am Avut O Perioada Cand Imi Placea La Nebunie Acuma Incepe Sa Ma Calce Pe Nervi, O Lungesc Prea Mult, Ma Mai Uit Pentru Ca Vreau Un Pic De Stephan/Caroline Drama :)) Cu Ceea Ce Sunt Super Mega Ultra Incantata E The Flash, Am Adorat Primul Sezon Si Abea Astept Al 2-Lea :D My Fav Superhero :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCam asa am patit si eu. M-am uitat la primele 2 sezoane si apoi am spus ca nu ma mai uit ca o lungesc prea mult. Apoi am zis sa le mai dau o sansa si am ajuns cu episoadele la zi :))
ȘtergereSincer au fost ulele chestii cam trase de par. Cel putin la fazele cu Elena . cand vampir, cand om :))
Dar acum nu pot sa zoc ca sunt fana infocata, dar imi place. Doar ca acum ca nu mai e Elena am o presimtire ca serialul nu va mai avea la fel de mult succes,
Si Din Cate Am Citit Eu Pe Undeva, Nu Mai Stiu Pe Unde :)) Nici Damon Nu V-a Mai Fi :)) Nha Pai Daca Nici La Damon Cu Ochisorii Lui Frumosi Nu Ma Mai Pot Uita Pentru Ce Sa Ma Uit ? :))
ȘtergereImi Explica Si Mie Cineva Ce E American Horror Story ? :-??
RăspundețiȘtergereAmerican Horror Story e un serial - ajuns acum la sezonul 5 - horror. Fiecare sezon are o alta poveste - desi exita teorii conspirationale cum ca intr-o oarecare masura s-ar lega, prin abstractitatea lucrurilor :)) -, asa ca poti sa urmaresti doar un sezon sau sa le iei pe sarite :) Primul sezon este despre o casa bantuita si tote ciudateniile blow-mind de pe acolo, cel de-al doilea este despre un azil si oarecum extraterestrii. Al treilea este despre New Orleans si vrajitoarele de acolo - dar vrajitoare in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, nu Harry Potter ^^". Iar sezonul 4 este despre un circ plin de ciudati - care sunt de fapt oameni cu diferite boli (piticism, doua capete, femeia puternica, baiatul cu degete lipite etc.). Acum, al cincelea sezon este despre un hotel si din trailer ma astept sa fie unul dintre sezoanele bune - se pare ca sezonul 4 a dezamagit multa lume :D
ȘtergereMersi :) Am Vazut Si Pe Facebook Multe Despre Asta Doar Ca Ma Sperie Cuvantul Horror :)) Cred Ca De Aia Nici Nu M-am Documentat In Legatura Cu El. Dar Ceea Ce Mi-ai Explicat Tu Acuma Chiar Imi Place. Ma Tenteaza Sa Ma Uit :)
ȘtergereEu am inceput primul sezon acum vreun an, dar m-am lasat de serial.:)) Nu prea stiu ce parere sa am despre el. E genul care fie iti place, fie il urasti :P Eu eram in dubii. Stiu ca ma-m uitat la cateva episoade bune, dar mi s-a parul cam ciudat :)) Si apoi am renuntat la el ca nu prea mai aveam timp. Urmaream mai multe seriale si na :))
ȘtergereFan TVD aici !!! Pot sa spun ca am plans cand Elena a "murit" in serial ? Nu cred ca TVD va mai fi la fel de interesant fara ea, sincer...
RăspundețiȘtergereStephan King... waw. Omul asta merita medalia aceea. Filmul Carrie mi-a placut la nebunie. Atat versiunea veche cat si adaptarea. Asta a fost cam singura carte "horror" pe care mi-am dorit sa o citesc, si inca e pe wish-listul meu de... ceva timp :))
Sunt putin dezamagita ca ultima parte din seria Divergent au impartit-o in doua, dar ce pot spune decat ca era de asteptat. Adica ultimul volum al seriei Twilight, Harry Potter, Jocurile foamei a fost la fel impartit. Deci... Oricum, cu rusine va spun ca inca nu am citit ultimul volum :( Am primele 2 volume si intentionez sa imi cumpar volumul 3 cat de curand. E in capul listei de cumparaturi :D
La The Hunger Games Nu Ai Citit Ultimul Volum ? Eu Am Ramas Tare Dezamagita De El.
ȘtergereVai nu da spoilereee!!! :(
ȘtergereSunt abia la primul volum ! Inseamna ca nici filmul nu am sa il vad inainte sa termin de citit cartile ca apoi nu stiu daca voi mai avea curaj sa le citesc.
Nu Dau Spoilere :)) Poate Tie O Sa Iti Placa ;) Oricum Merita Citite Cartile Inainte Sa Vezi Filmele. E Fain Cand Iti Imaginezi Tu Anumite Scene Si Dupa Vezi Cum Prind Viata In Film.
ȘtergereThe vampire diaries ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
RăspundețiȘtergereAbia astept sa înceapă sezonul 7!Nu stiu cum o sa fie fara Elena,desi sincer va spun ca ma împac mai bine cu disparitia Elenei din serial decat a lui Daemon de exemplu!Adica hello!fara Daemon nu ar mai avea nici un farmec de aceea ma bucur ca e inca in serial!Am vazut trailer-ul in prim
Am vazut trailer-ul in primele ore si da,a fost super!Deci repet sunt foarte nerăbdătoare :)))
ȘtergereTrebuie sa ma apuc si eu AHS!
Eu nu pot spune ca sunt asa de nerabdatoare sa inceapa sezonul. Mi-e frica ca voi fi dezamagita de cum va continua povestea fara Elena :(
ȘtergereEu nu pot spune ca sunt asa de nerabdatoare sa inceapa sezonul. Mi-e frica ca voi fi dezamagita de cum va continua povestea fara Elena :(
ȘtergereAbia astept sa apara urmatorul sezon din TVD. Eu inca sper ca pana la urma revine si Elena in serial si imi pare rau ca a decis sa plece tocmai personajul principal, insa apreciez modalitatea aleasa de producator pentru a nu distruge show-ul.