Weekly updates
Hello, hello :) I have to share with you so many good news... ^.^
First of all, have you seen "The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" posters? And trailer? No? Well, I saw them and they. are. amazing. *.* I saw the first movie at the cinema and can't wait for this one to be on. I recommend you to watch them on the big screen. 3D if you can :D
Speaking about trailers, you NEED to see the trailer for the last movie in "The Hunger Games" franchise. I really need to read the books and rewatch the movies. Right now, can't wait for the Mockingjay Part 2 ~.~
Now, for "The Mortal Insruments" fans, the first look for "Shadowhunters", the tv show adaption, show us the characters in their costumes. [You can see the teaser here] What do you think about it?

We have a first look for "Miss Peregrine" too. The movie will be directed by Tim Burton and this picture posted on facebook made me so excited (!!!). If you didn't read the books, DO IT NOW! I read the first one and now I'm waiting for the second one to be translated. Till then, you can read my review here :)

And now, this one has to do with John Green. And his book, "Looking for Alaska". And the movie. As the press speculated, we have some finalists for the main roles: Miles and Alaska. For Miles we have Mitchell Hope (left) and Charlie Rowe (right). And honestly, this is not the Miles I imagined. Otherwise, I like Mitchell Hope more for this character :D Which one is your favorite?
And we have Anya Taylor-Joy (pictured left) and Immy Waterhouse for Alaska WHICH IS NOT AS CLOSE AS I IMAGINED. Well, I think everyone imagined Alaska as Kaya Scodelario because of her role in "Skins" where she played Effy - who is like Alaska, somehow. I like Immy because I think Anya is too childish and too innocent for Alaska - my opinion.
I don't know what to say more. Nothing is sure, these are just some rumors and maybe they will change the actors... or maybe not. Do you like them? Which one is your favorite? You can read about the movie in my articles here and here.
I am a huge fan of Sam Claflin and when I saw this pictures with him. In wheel chair. On the beach. I freaked out! :O Bust it's just a role. For a movie adaption of Jojo Moyes' book "Me before you". The story follows a young woman, Louisa, who forms an unlikely bond with Will, a paralyzed man, after she becomes his caretaker.
I searched a little bit and I fond out an amazing fan-made trailer and I wanted to share with you guys because it's more than heartbreaking:
That's all, I guess. All the good news from this week that I wanted to share with you. I'm thinking about making this a weekly article but I need a title. If you have something in your mind, let me know in a comment below :)
What do you think about all these stuff?
Sources: facebook | X
- Diana
Ok, sa incepem! E foarte tare ca sunt atat de multe ecranizari dupa carti, fie sub forma filmelor, dar si a serialelor. Dar intr-un fel, e si trist. Lumea (aka lenesii) vor vrea sa vada filmele/serialele mai mult decat sa citeasca cartile, asta e clar. Totusi, imi plac foarte mult posterele de la Scorch Trials, trebuie sa citesc neaparat cartea inainte de a aparea filmul (nu am citit decat primul volum acum 1 an-2) si desi mi-a placut mult, nu stiu de ce nu am continuat seria... poate am fost prea ocupat cu alte serii de carti. In fine... sunt curios si in privinta serialului Shadowhunters, sper sa fie ceva de capul lui. Seria de carti nu mi se pare prea fantastica, am citit primul volum si nu m-a prea incantat si de aceea nu m-am grabit sa citesc si continuarile. In rest, mai trebuie sa citesc Revolta de Suzanne Collins inainte de a aparea si ultima parte din seria de filme. Oricum nu o sa o citesc repede, mai las sa treaca ceva vreme, caci nu demult am terminat Sfidarea si vreau sa las putin timp sa treaca intre lecturarea volumelor. :D
RăspundețiȘtergereNu mai pot de fericire, iubesc cand se face un film dupa o carte, imi place sa vad diferentele dintre ele iar in aceasta postare sunt multe filme bune pe care le astept cu sufletul la gura. Totusi am ramas impresionata de Miss Peregrine pentru ca nu stiam ca va avea ecranizare..
RăspundețiȘtergereAcest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.