Weekly updates #2

by - august 02, 2015

Whaaat? Sunday again? This must be a special day in the calendar for weekly updates here on DHW :D Not much happened this week, but here is a quickly recap. Enjoy ^-^

I'll start with those frustrating news about "Looking for Alaska" movie adaption. I told you last Sunday about the eyed main characters, but now we have another 2 Alaska. Nicola Peltz (left) and Courtney Eaton. 

While I'm seeing Nicola being the closest Alaska, “Insiders suggest that [Charlie] Rowe and Taylor-Joy are the current frontrunners to play Miles and Alaska,” The Wrap said. The Wrap also revealed that John D’Leo (left) and Logan Miller are currently testing for the role of Chip “The Colonel” Martin. Maybe Logan is a better choice...

I said frustrating because till now, the actors eyed aren't as closest as I imagined them to be to the characters. I don't like any of them, but as last Sunday, things can change and nothing is officially announced :D

Quick question: have you seen the "Neighbors"? With Zac Efron? Well, just wait for 2016 because Zac will be back in "Neighbors 2" and guess who is joining him? Chloe Grace Moretz who broke our hears in "If I stay". I haven't seen the first movie, but now I'll watch just to see Chloe in the second one. What do you think? :)

Speaking about sequels, do you remember that zombie movie who was an adaption, but who went on-a-path-that-nobody-liked? Hmm, maybe if I told you about Nicholas Hoult you'll know what I'm talking about. It seems like we'll read a second book called "The Living" and maybe we'll see the adaption too. 

Marion (the author) has been working on the book for over two years, and in a blog post in 2014 he explained why it’s taken him so long to write. “Warm Bodies was essentially about one person’s struggle with himself; the sequel is about several people’s struggles with themselves, each other, and the wider world and all its broken systems (cultural, political, cosmic),” he wrote, “So I always knew it was going to be a bigger book, but now that I stand back and look at it…wow, this is a lot bigger.

When I say "the most read YA book", beside John Green, what are you thinking about? I've seen how many rumors were about "All the Bright Places" by Jennifer Niven a few weeks ago and now guess what? WE HAVE ANOTHER MOVIE ADAPTION! This is great because A) we'll see Elle Fanning playing Violet, the main character in a B) production who is slated to begin in Spring 2016 with C) a script written by the author herself! Isn't this amazing? 

Elle Fanning

"All the Bright Places is a very personal story for me. Mazur/Kaplan, Miguel, and Demarest Media have given the book and me the most wonderfully supportive, creative home, and they are as invested in Finch and Violet as I am," Jennifer said.

From "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" it looks like a trend is born here. After this classic updated for the new generation, the CW is dipping its toes into historical fiction with a new series based on Louisa May Alcott’s "Little Women". Deadline reports that the network has bought a pilot script based on the classic 1868 novel "Little Women", written by rising writer Alexis Jolly. The original novel centers on four sisters, who navigate through the murky territory between childhood and adulthood, experiencing first love and heartbreaking tragedy as they grow up in Civil War-era New England.

If The CW gives "Little Women" a pilot order, it’ll be produced by Michael Weatherly of "Dark Angel" fame. Weatherly currently stars as Anthony DiNozzo on "NCIS".

In other news, have you seen the trailer for "Sherlock", the special Christmas edition? It was revealed at Comic Con, but I forgot to show you guys ^^" I'm so in love with Sherlock and all its meaning, and this show is more than awesome. Enjoy ^.^

Do you remember Hailee Steinfeld? Maybe if you read this article you'll remember her and her role in this amazing adaption we all are waiting for. But have you heard her singing? Enjoy this little cover with Shawn Mendes and his "Stitches" :)

That's all for these week. What do you think about it? Can't wait to read your opinions down below ^.^
Sources: X | X | X | X | X

- Diana

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  1. Inca nu văzut nici Neighbors nici If I Stay, cel din urmă o sa fie dat pe HBO luna aceasta si o sa-l vad. Ma mir ca o sa apara Chloe in Neighbors 2, ea pare fata cuminte, iar Neighbors e o comedie mai "obraznica" din cate stiu eu.

    1. Poate vrea sa schimbe imaginea de fata cuminte si de asta a acceptat rolul :D

  2. Trebuie să mă uit la Neighbors, dacă tot apare şi o continuare. Mulțumim pentru informații! :D

  3. Nu am vizionat nici "If I Stay" pentru ca nu am citit cartea dar nici "Neighbours" care pare destul de inetresant insa sper sa am timp sa ma uit la ele. Pupici :*

  4. Nu am vizionat nici "If I Stay" pentru ca nu am citit cartea dar nici "Neighbours" care pare destul de inetresant insa sper sa am timp sa ma uit la ele. Pupici :*

  5. am vazut If I stay si mi-a placut neasteptat de mult. abia astept si partea a doua, cartea n-am citit-o, ma gandesc ca nu are rost sa mi-o cumpar daca am vazut filmul.
    de Pride and Prejudice and zombies nu stiu ce sa spun...pe de o parte ma tenteaza, pe de alta mi se pare o gluma proasta :)))

  6. Am vazut si eu If I Stay. Citisem cartea si auzisem lucruri bune despre film si mi-a placut tare mult <3. Oricum, e mai faina cartea decat filmul, pentru ca descrie si gandurile personajului principal :). Intotdeauna cartea e mai buna.
    N-am vazut celelalte filme, nu prea ma atrag asa... dar vedem. In ultima vreme, m-am uitat numai la seriale.

  7. Mi-a placut If I stay. Este un film bun, care mi-a lasat o impresie faina. Nu am citit cartea, dar vazand deja filmul nu prea as mai citi-o, pentru ca stiu deja povestea.
