Weekly update #18
Hello again and happy that V. Day ya'll celebrating
This update is mostly about movies and tv shows. Hope you'll enjoy it ^.^ !
Harry Potter fans. Prepare yourself. For this new book of the series. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". It will follow Harry's son, Albus, 19 years after the last book ended, as he navigates what it means to be the son of the famed Boy Who Lived. Get this, though: the book is going to be here on July 31st, a.k.a. Harry Potter's birthday.

It seems like is the year of remakes! Now we have even a cartoon. Well, it's not a remake. They call it a "reboot". And it's about... The Powerpuff Girls #GirlPower ^.^ The reboot will make its first world appearance at South by Southwest on March 14 in Austin, Texas and episodes will air on Cartoon Network shortly after.
This show was one of my favorites when I was little. I hope those new episodes will be as good as the old ones :D
"Gilmore Girls" has a reboot - thank you, Netflix! And guess who's coming back? Jared Padalecki and Milo Ventimiglia and Matt Czuchry too. The revival will consist of four 90-minute movies. I don't know anything about this tv show, but I thought you might be interested ;) - especially because of Jared #babe
Cole Sprouse, one-half of "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody"’s Sprouse twins, has just been cast to play Archie’s frenemy Jughead in an adaptation of the popular retro comics soon to air on CW. The show, aptly titled "Riverdale", is described as a more “subversive” version of the Archie comics, and thus far only Jughead and bright-eyed blonde Betty (Lili Reinhart) have been cast. According to Deadline 2016’s Jughead is a “a heartthrob with a philosophical bent."
"Riverdale" is set in the present day instead of its old-school comic book setting, which means that the Archie crew will be taking selfies and posting Snapchat videos. Strange, but doable. The main cast of Archie, Betty, Jughead and Veronica will explore what teenage life is like like in a small town, and it’s bound to be darker and edgier than the comics you used to buy at the grocery store.
Want more Sprouse for your buck, though? Never fear: Cole’s twin, Dylan, is acting again as well. He’s working on a TV show called "Dismissed", which looks a little bit creepy and egy, too.
"Divergent" fans, look at this posters for "Allegiant":
And last, but not least: an "Outlander" poster + trailer - you can watch it here - for season 2. I can't tell you how excited I am for this show! Omg, and I can't wait to read the book too <3
Good news: new trailers!
And we can see Liam the-hottie-boy in a new movie:
Music time! :>
Well, "Pretty Little Liars" fans, I bet you didn't expected this! We all now that handsome guy who played one of Spencer's boyfriends - Alex, I think - called, on his real name, Diego Boneta. This cutie is a singer! And he just released his new music video:
Wow .. Super articolul ... Pozele cu Tris si Four pacat ca ea moare la final... Abia astept serialul Outlander ..frumoase melodii..
RăspundețiȘtergereNuuu! Fara spoilere! :(
ȘtergereThank you for the news!
RăspundețiȘtergereCa de obicei, stii sa ne surprinzi cu cele mai picante stiri.
Outlander este atat de laudat incat o sa incep sa ma uit si eu la el.
Seara frumoasa!
GirlPower <3 Le adoram cand eram mai mica. Si posterele din Divergent sunt super
RăspundețiȘtergereWow!Abia astept sa vad Experiment!Mi-a placut super mult cartea si am asteptări mari de la film! Four e asa perfect! <3 <3 <3
RăspundețiȘtergereSi Outlander ma face din ce in ce mai curioasă!Poate o sa arunc o privire!
Şi eu abia astept să vad Experiment .Am citit mai multe recenzii despre carte şi toti aveau pareri proaste dar mie personal chiar mi.a placut .N.avea cum să se termine altfel .
RăspundețiȘtergereCat am mai plans la capitolul ala cand Tobias află ca Tris a murit !!!! Intr.un fel e amuzant avand în vedere ca eu nu plang de obicei la cărţi :)))
Pff Spoiler!!
ȘtergereAm auzit de atatea ori de acest spoiler, insa eu pana nu vad, nu cred! :(((
ȘtergereNu stiu cu ce sa incep, postarea asta cuprinde o multime de lucruri de care ma tot interesez in ultima vreme, pana la urma este valabila stirea cu noul volum Harry Potter? Despre Powerpuff Girls am auzit ca se va face un serial. Abia astept Allegiant si Batman VS Superman, mai ales dupa ultimele Trailere.
RăspundețiȘtergereDap, este ^.^
Mi-am primit spoiler urât cu Experiment și nici nu mă atrăgea seria să o continui. Mie tot nu îmi vine să cred că o să apară un nou volum din HP, de când am auzit am rămas șocată. Probabil piața de marketing o să explodeze la propriu când o să apară cartea :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAbia astept sa apara Allegiant, sunt super curioasa cum o sa fie, mai ales ca traillerul nu m-a prea incantat. Si Gilmore Girls mi-a placut tare mult, mi-ar fi placut sa continue serialul, ma bucur tare mult pentru ce urmeaza, merci pentru informare :D