Interview with Gareth P. Jones!
Gareth P. Jones first started writing when he was very young but it wasn’t until he was in his early twenties that he completed his first novel. Having had it universally rejected he wrote a novel for children called Who Killed Charlie Twig, which received an equally unimpressed reception and remains rightly unpublished to this day. Gareth now divides his time between writing books, producing TV programmes, spending time with his wife and son, Herbie and playing the slightly ludicrous number of stringed instruments in his front room.
G: I turned 40 last December but I feel younger than that, except I just had to get glasses for the first time this week.
DHW: You said you visited Bucharest. Tell us more about this. What do you think about ROMANIA?
DHW: You said you visited Bucharest. Tell us more about this. What do you think about ROMANIA?
G: I spent a few days in Bucharest visiting the British School of Bucharest to talk about books. I really enjoyed the days I spent in your home town. Next time I visit Romania I'd like to visit Transylvania though.
DHW: In our country was published "The Thornthwaite Inheritance". What inspired you to write it? Do you think your other books will be published here soon?
DHW: In our country was published "The Thornthwaite Inheritance". What inspired you to write it? Do you think your other books will be published here soon?
G: I'm not sure where the idea came from except one day, on a bus, I thought "Hey, why don't I write a book about a pair of twins trying to kill each other". I thought that my book 'The Considine Curse' was out in Romania but I've just checked and I think you're right. Perhaps you should write to the Romanian publisher EDITURA LITERA INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. and ask them to buy more of my Romanian rights. I think you'd like 'The Considine Curse' (as it's about a big family secret) and 'Constable & Toop' (which is about ghosts).
DHW: When we started to read your book we was thinking that the twins are more like Wednesday from "The Addams Family". And we imagined the book more like a movie like this or like a cartoon. There are chances for the book to be turned into a movie/cartoon?
DHW: When we started to read your book we was thinking that the twins are more like Wednesday from "The Addams Family". And we imagined the book more like a movie like this or like a cartoon. There are chances for the book to be turned into a movie/cartoon?
G: No one has bought the rights yet so there are no plans but you never know. You're right though. It is quite cartoonish. I didn't want the violence to feel real but I wanted the emotions and feelings to resonate with readers. Ut's a trciky balance to get right. I hope I did OK.
DHW: Now, are you working on a new book?
G: Yes. I'm currently writing a series of books about some robotic pirates.
DWH: Do you have any habits before or after you start to write?
DWH: Do you have any habits before or after you start to write?
G: I sometimes play the guitar or ukulele when I'm stuck or I'll go for a walk. Graveyards are good places to walk as they're full of interesting names and echoes of the past.
DHW: We love the cover of the book. Tell us about the idea of the design.
G: The cover of that book is one of my favourites. The artist, Adam Stower got the tone spot on and, I think, it properly reflects the book inside. As well as Romania it's been published in France, Spain, Norway and Sweden and they have all used the same cover, which tells you something about how perfect it is.
DHW: Are you planning to visit our country or Bucharest again? (This time we hope we will meet you:) )
DHW: Are you planning to visit our country or Bucharest again? (This time we hope we will meet you:) )
G: No plans but, as I say, next time, I want to go see Dracula too.
DHW: Did you see our blog? What do you think about it? A message for our followers and your Romanian fans?
G: I have and I think it is fantastic. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate you enjoying my book and contacting me to tell me. I wish you all the best of luck with it in the future and a big THANK YOU to all my Romanian fans. If you've enjoyed The Thornthwaite Inheritance, I should also add the advice, please be nice to each other and don't try and kill each other. I think that's quite good advice.
Sincer, pana acum nu am citit nicio carte de a lui, dar am auzit multe despre el. Habar n-aveam ca a fost in Romania. Daca ajunge prin Transilvania atunci o sa am ocazia si eu sa-l vad...:D
RăspundețiȘtergereNu stiam ca a fost in Romania.
RăspundețiȘtergereMa bucur ca autori cunoscuti viziteaza tara noastra.
spre rusinea mea nu am auzit nici de el,nici de cartile sale pana acum
RăspundețiȘtergereNici eu nu am auzit de acest autor,insa ma voi documenta mai mult despre el.Cartile sale cred ca sunt interesante.
RăspundețiȘtergereMi-a plăcut mult "Moștenirea ucigașă" și modul plăcut în care a relatat-o, dar nu știam că a venit în România. Tu i-ai luat interviul sau este luat de pe net?
RăspundețiȘtergereSi mie mi-a placut super-mult *.* si as citi cu drag orice alta care de-a autorului. Eu i-am luat interviul :3
ȘtergereFoarte frumos...un interviu minunat.. Am tot auzit de " Mostenirea Ucigasa" Asa ca ma voi apuca de citit ...