Leapsa Melodii

by - februarie 07, 2014

Ceva mai devreme am gasit acesta leapsa simpatica si am zis sa o impartasesc cu voi dreamers. Deci...sa incepem.

1) A favourite song released recently
Mai recent de atat...
Deja cred ca am devenit obsedata de ea -_-

2)A favourite song released years ago

3)A song you like from a genre you don't usually listen to

4)An acoustic version of a song

5)A song you enjoy singing

6)A catchy song you like

7)A song you got into because of a friend/family member

8)A song you like by a band/artist you know nothing about

9)A song that reminds you of good times

10)A song that reminds you of bad times

11)A song that reminds you of a season of your choice

12)A song that you don't like/understand lyrically, but enjoy musically

13) A song that you like lyrically, but not musically

14)A band/artist you discovered recently

15)A song you like that has a bad music video

16)A song about love that you like

17)A song about love that you hate

18)A song that motivates you

19)Your favourite holiday song

20)A song you're embarrassed of linking
Nu prea ma jenez cu lucurile pe care le fac si nici cu melodiile pe care le ascult 

21)A song you like that gets played on the radio a lot
Cred ca asta ar fi...

22)A song that makes you calm

23)A song that makes you angry
nu stiu de ce cand aud melodia asta, as sparge ceva...nimic ciudat

24)A song that has made you cry
Nu ma face sa plang, dar de cate ori o ascul mi se face pilea de gaina 

25)A song that means a lot to you
Am devenit dependenta de melodia asta, si a inceput sa insemne mult pentru mine 

Va invit pe toti sa faceti leapsa asta, sunt curioasa de alegerile voastre, mie mi-a placut mult

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