To Bring or Not To Bring Kol Mikaelson Back?
TVD executive producer Julie Plec took to social media to respond to one such incident of unpleasantness directed at her as part of the Bring Kol Mikaelson Back campaign.
Julie recently received the following tweet: "@julieplec It's not good going against the fans wish for Kol to live. It could give you a bad reputation as a writer.” Now, this is probably not the only tweet of its kind, but it’s the one Julie chose to respond to as representative of this negative side of television fandom.

Kol a fost unul dintre preferatii mei din TVD. Bine, primul era Klaus, in frunte, ca na... Klaus e Klaus. Apoi, Damon, Kol atat. Ar fi bine daca s-ar reintoarce in serial. Macar el sa se reintoarca, dupa ce ca dragutul meu Klaus e cam...disparut.