Interview with Megan Crewe!
MEGAN CREWE was born in Toronto, Canada around the end of 1980, and she grew up there with her parents, her younger brother, and various cats. She finished her first (very bad) novel when she was 14, and started submitting short stories to magazines around the same time. Her first book is calling "Give up the ghost", and after it comes "The Fallen World Trilogy". She's still living in Toronto, now with her husband and three cats of her own.
DHW: Tell us somethig about yourself.
M: I've been making up and writing down stories since I was a little kid, but I didn't think about trying to become an author until I was a teenager.
DHW: What inspired you to write? A special person, a special place or a special memory?
M: Mostly I just love making up stories! I'm sure it helped that my parents read lots of books to me as a child.

DHW: Tell us somethig about your first book "GIVE UP THE GHOST".
M: GIVE UP THE GHOST is about a girl whose only friends are ghosts, who uses the secrets they find out to expose the wrongdoings of her classmates.
DHW: What about your new series " THE FALLEN WORLD"?
M: The Fallen World trilogy is about a deadly epidemic and a girl and her friends struggling to survive it.
DHW: In Romania weren't published yet. Do you know if this will happen?
M: I haven't heard anything about the trilogy being picked up in Romania, but I hope it will be! Readers who'd like to see it there can write to the publishers letting them know.
DHW: Now, are you working on a new book?
M: I have a new trilogy starting this fall. The first book is EARTH & SKY. It's about time travel and people from other planets.

M: I love writing and getting to share my stories with people, so this is the best job for me. If I couldn't be a writer, I'd probably be working either with kids or with animals.
DHW: What is your favourite book? But author? Or actor?
M: It's hard for me to pick one favorite book, but some of my favorite authors are E. Lockhart, Megan Whalen Turner, and Elizabeth Wein.
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Elizabeth Wein |
DHW: What is more exciting for you: writing or reading?
M: Both are a lot of fun, but I prefer writing a little more because I get to explore the situations and characters that I find most interesting.
DHW: What do you think about Romania? And our blog?
M: I am impressed by how many enthusiastic readers there are in Romania and so happy that there are blogs like yours sharing that love of books.
DHW: A messaje for our followers and your romanian fans?
M: Thank you so much for reading and talking about my books! I hope more of them will be published in Romania soon!
Thanks for the interview!
We thank you, too, Megan!
Hope you like it, guys! :)
Foarte frumos , iar autoarea pare de treaba :)
RăspundețiȘtergereChiar este :) Ne bucuram ca ne-a raspuns. Speram ca ti-a placut interviul.
ȘtergereL & D
mi-a placut mult :) hmm .. i-ati putea contacta si pe Veronica Roth si John Green ? :D
ȘtergereIncercam cu cat mai multi autori, dar Veronica si John sunt mai greu de contactat, mai ales ca au de filmat etc. O sa mai postam interviuri cu autorii de care putem da ^_^
ȘtergereD & L
Stiti daca va aparea si la noi "The Fallen World"?
RăspundețiȘtergereSincer, nu avem inca vreo veste :(
ȘtergereDar daca e ceva, vom posta pe blog ;)
D & L
ok multumesc!
ȘtergereMi-a placut "Mai las-o moale cu fantomele" si as dori sa citesc si alte carti scrise de ea. Voi ce parere aveti de aceasta carte?
RăspundețiȘtergereA fost prima carte fantasy pe care am citit-o - acum 3 ani - si pentru varsta aia a parut destul de okay, dar daca o recitesc, nu cred ca as fi la fel de mulumita :)
Ștergere- Diana
Eu am inceput cu seria Fortele Raului Absolut.
ȘtergereAm indragit seria :3 Cum ti s-a parut?
Ștergere- Diana
Este printre preferatele mele. Prin seria aceasta am inceput sa citesc mai mult. Cred ca ea a fost cea care m-a dus in lumea fantasy. Dupa aceasta serie am inceput sa citesc Harry Potter, Academia Vampirilor si multe altele.
ȘtergereCredem ca suntem singurele persoane de pe Pamant care n-a citit HP :))))
ȘtergereL & D
nici eu nu am citit Harry Potter :))
ȘtergereDar cred ca daca as recitio acum, as avea o parere diferita despre ea.
RăspundețiȘtergereDa, pentru ca depinde de viziune. Sincer, mai bine sa raman cu viziunea & parerea de acum 3 ani ;)
Ștergere- D
da, la asta ma gandesc si eu.
ȘtergereAm citit cartea sper sa ai citesc si urmatorele .
RăspundețiȘtergereFelicitări pentru interviu! ♥
RăspundețiȘtergereAutoarea este simpatică, ce drăguț că ați reușit să luați diferite interviuri de la autori internationali :)
Mulțumesc mult de tot ^-^ ! Mă bucur mult că îți plac interviurile mele <3