Weekly update #10
Hello, internet :) !
Even if last week I didn't post this rubric, now I'm back with some good stuff. Hope you'll enjoy it!
You know what's cool? When you find new music and then everything seems so different. Like, where have you been all my li-ii-ffe? Well, that's how I feel about Disclosure because somehow this guy or this band or whatever it is, makes my mornings! After "How deep is your love", we have a new song, featuring Lorde. Masterpiece!
Another powerful woman is Selena Gomez and her... rhythm. Her new song isn't the greatest one, but I do like it... somehow :D Also, Sally announced a "#REVIVALTour coming 2016!" as she posted on instagram. Sadly, the tour is US and Canada only. What about Europe, Selena?
And when you talk about powerful women, you may say something about feminism. And here we have 4 of them in a beautiful old-school music video. I like it so much and this made the song more fun an catchy. What do you think about it? :)
I need to tell you something very important about two loved singers. Also, powerful women.
Demi Lovato and her boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama, are taking their relationship to a crazy new level. The couple has been through plenty of milestones in their five-year relationship, but nothing compares to committing crimes together.
All of their criminal action will be on Wilmer’s TV show From Dusk Till Dawn when Demi plays Maia, his “sexy, sultry sidekick” in Season 2’s final episodes (airing Oct. 20 and Oct. 27 at 9pm ET on El Rey Network).
I'm not watching this tv show - yet :] - but I'm happy to hear - read - that Demi will be acting again. Go, go, girl!
And the second one is Carly Rae Jepsen and her role in the "Grace: Live", the musical. We all loved Travolta's role and be honest, you still push that play button when you find that video with him and her co-actress, remaking the roles after 10 years. What a lovely memory!
The show will start on January 31 and it already has a star-studded cast, with Julianne Hough as Sandy, Les Mis' Aaron Tveit as Danny, Vanessa Hudgens taking on the ultimate bad girl, Rizzo, and Keke Palmer playing Pink Lady Marty Maraschino — and now Carly Rae Jepsen will be joining the rest of the Pink Ladies as Frenchy.
OMG! I totally loved this news when I find out on instagram. Even if she's not my role model or something, I kinda like Zendaya. Now I like her a little bit more. Actually, I like the doll :D
Coming back to Earth and now send me back to heaven because Nat Wolff's fans, this is for us! We all love Nat because he's a great actor, but how far did you see him acting? Comedies, action movies, book adaptions... But what about a manga adaption? First of all, I know nothing about the manga world, but I heard about this one. I wanted to search about it, but then I gave up!
Apparently, Death Note is a popular Japanese anime and manga series that tells the story of a student named Light Yagami. When Light discovers a notebook with a mysterious power, he gets a lot more than he bargained for — anyone whose name he writes in its pages will die. Cue high-stakes game in which a young detective tries to track Light down as he plays God with the lives of his family and friends.
So Nat is not a japanese boy and because of that you may notice that the american version will be a little bit different that the fans are used to. Otherwise, I'm still curious about Natt and how he will play this character ^-^
Apparently, Death Note is a popular Japanese anime and manga series that tells the story of a student named Light Yagami. When Light discovers a notebook with a mysterious power, he gets a lot more than he bargained for — anyone whose name he writes in its pages will die. Cue high-stakes game in which a young detective tries to track Light down as he plays God with the lives of his family and friends.
So Nat is not a japanese boy and because of that you may notice that the american version will be a little bit different that the fans are used to. Otherwise, I'm still curious about Natt and how he will play this character ^-^
And in the end, I'll leave you with an amazing poster and a thousand questions... about what will happen next in "The Originals". The spin-off for "The Vampire Diaries" (oh, the poster will be below too) have an amazing success and even if you like or not, you'll defend your blood with the price of your life. Or, that is what Klaus belive. You'll see!

Oh, melodia "Magnets" E.ATAT.DE.ASDFGHJ :3 mai ales ca o canta Lorde ^-^
RăspundețiȘtergereHmm...m-ai facut curioasa cu noua colaborare a lui Nat Wolff, mai ales ca e un actor atat de bun...si sa nu mai zic cat de dragut e :)))
Disclosure Este Alcatuit Din Doi Frati, Fratii Howard, Unul Are 21 De Ani, Celalalt 24 Si Sunt Din Marea Britanie. ( Am Observat Ca You Have A Thing For Uk :)) ) Eu Una Ii Ador, Si Featuring-ul Asta Cu Lorde E Genial, Ea E Geniala, Are O Voce Superba. M-am Uitat La The Originals La Primul Sezon, Pentru Ca, Klaus :)) Dar Nu Prea Mi-o Placut Si Am Cam Renuntat La El.
RăspundețiȘtergereOmg, gata am mai gasit un lucru pe caer-l iubesc la UK. Mersi mult! *.*
ȘtergereCat despre The Originals, eu cred c-o sa-mi iau si cartile - in speranta ca am sa inteleg 99% din limbaj :D
Abia astept sa vad urmatorul sezon TVD si The Originals <3. Sunt curioasa cum o sa fie TVD fara Elena si cam ce ar mai putea aduce nou in The Originals. We'll see.
RăspundețiȘtergereÎmi place foarte mult Lorde ,are o voce superba <3 . Eu nu am văzut serialul "The Vampire Diaries " ,deoarece nu am citit seria (shame ) . În schimb ,am citit trilogia Cercul Secret de L.J.Smith (+ cartea a patra scrisă de Aubrey Clark ) și îmi place stilul de a scrie al autoarei :))
RăspundețiȘtergereIti recomand serialul The Secret Circle, doar ca o sa ramai masca la final - si mda, serialul a fost anulat dupa un sezon. Dupa ce am vazut serialul mi-am cumparat si eu cartile, insa n-am apucat sa le citesc inca :D
Multumesc frumos pentru recomandare ! O sa-l vizionez . Sunt curioasa sa vad cat de mult respecta actiunea cartii. Seria Cercul secret este destul de frumoasa ,dar am auzit ca seria Jurnalele vampirilor este "baza" autoarei :)) .
ȘtergereDeath Note e anime ul care mi-a marcat adolescenta! Este atat de bine facut si te tine cu sufletul la gura episod cu episod, iar finalul.... Trebuie neaparat sa il vezi! Au mai incercat si coreenii varianta unui serial cu real people dar nu a iesit, e naspa rau. Acum poate au americanii noroc,dar nu prea cred..