Weekly update #11
Hello, friends :) !
This week we'll talk a lot about "Twilight" and its comeback. But first, we need to take it slow.
Who loves The 1975? Who regrets didn't make it for Summer Well last year? Well, just tell me it's not just me. I love this band and I love it more when new songs are released. This time, we have just a sneak peek of "Love me" but it's just enough to fall in love with the song:
If you're not into love-things you can try Demi's new song - and video. I swear this girl read minds because somehow it's like my boo... whaat? Okay, no spoilers :D
Or... if you are a James Bond fan, you should listen to Sam's new song, the official theme song from "Spectre". Is it better than other song themes before?
Who doesn't love Halloween? Even one of the most loved twin loves it! And he shows us pictures to confirm.Cole Sprouse (aka Cody) is Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) and he's too hot for october! Just look at him.
Here's my finished #MiloThatch halloween costume! Yes I own a framed picture of Teddy Roosevelt. #Atlantis pic.twitter.com/2h166FHBHF
— Cole C. Sprouse (@colesprouse) October 7, 2015
... and here is Milo. I see no difference!
Changing the register and moving to tv shows.
At New York Comic-Con Jeff Davis announced that Tyler Posey would be directing an upcoming episode of Teen Wolf.
“I’m really excited to hear the reactions now! Because we’ve known about this for a while now. I’ve known about this before we started filming season 5A. I’ve kept it under wraps you know. But now that it’s out… I love it. I’m so excited. I just want to keep building my career. And I think I’m really good at this kind of stuff you know?” Tyler said

Last year, the young actor began his first foray into the production world. He became a co-producer on Teen Wolf and tried his hand at behind-the-scene tasks.
When asked how he wanted to run his set, Posey had this to say: “I just want them to know it’s not a power thing. We should all feel equal, it should be a collaborative process, I don’t want to be the only one shouting out ideas when I’m directing. I want it to be collaborative because that’s the way it should be.”
Does he think directing his co-stars will be weird? “Hopefully the actors don’t hate me!” he said. “They know I love them they know I want what’s best for them and he show. And we all have such a great relationship I don’t think they could be hurt by me directing them. Do I don’t know! We’ll see!”
I love when actors do the directing thing. I mean, just take a look at "TVD" when Paul or Ian directed episodes. Or in "Supernatural" with Jasen. It will be something epic!
Oh, and we have a trailer for season 5B. And it's more than exciting (!!!)
Speaking about trailers, the most awaited trailer this year is finally here! Yep, it's for the "Shadowhunters" tv show and we will meet all the characters on Tuesday, January 12th at 9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT, on ABC Family (and for us, romanian fans - and not only - on January 13th on the internet :))). I don't know what to say about the trailer. I mean, I do like it, but I hope that the show won't be a total failure #imstillamoviefan
*praying for good special effects and fight scenes and fantasy parts. amin! *
And now the "Twilight" part. Because if it's good, it's always the last. Or not!
I've told you some weeks ago about the 10th anniversary book bla-bla-bla. Well, it's a surprise in it who really surprised everyone... in a bad way. It seems like Stephenie loves changes. But when it comes to switch the characters into something else it's a total non-sense. Why? Well, the story is the same in the "Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined" short-stor... well not! Because the "short story" has 422 pages (!!!) and yeas, it's a gender-swapped version of the original story. So you'll met Beau and Edythe, the gender-swapped Bella and Edward #palmface
It's just me or this is really useless? It's like a fan fic all over again. E.L. James has now competition. I think all this things are made for more money, but how much does she want to take from a story written 10 (!!!) years ago? Um, well, Stephenie, what do you say about a new series? New characters (literally)?
I don't want to be mean, but I'm kinda sick of all this mass-media more-money thing. Sad because "Twilight" was the story of a generation and even I (too young to catch the wave) loved the end of the series. Let it go, Meyer! Let it go!
Wow....Teen Wolf nu inceteaza niciodata sa ma surprinda ^-^, de abia astept sa apara, ma ales ca ultimul episod m-a lasat cu ochii in soare :))) Si eu sper la fel de mult ca "Shadowhunters" sa fie un serial bun si sa nu fiu dezamagita...
RăspundețiȘtergereNoua melodie a lui Demi Lovato e.atat.de.asdfgh:3
Am Auzit Atatea De Teen Wolf Ca Am Inceput Sa Ma Uit Si Eu. Momentan Sunt La Sezonul Patru Dar E Prea Fain. Imi Plac Actori, Muzica, Actiunea, La Nici Un Episod Nu Ma Plictisesc Si Cauzeaza Dependenta :)) Imi Zic Seara Ca Ma Uit La 1-2 Episoade Si Cand Ma Uit La Ceas E 5 Dimineata ? What ? :)) Despre Instrumente Mortale - Serial, Nu Stiu Ce Sa Zic. Mie Mi-o Placut Tare Mult Filmul Cu Lily Collins Si Cu Jamie Campbell Si Chiar Imi Pare Rau Ca Nu Au Continuat Ei Povestea. Am Vazut Filmul Din Greseala Dar Mi-o Placut Atata De Mult Incat Mi-am Cumparat Cartile Sa Aflu Ce Se Intampla Cu Ei ( Pur Si Simplu Nu Puteam Accepta Povestea Cu Brothers :)) ) Am Vazut Trailer-ul Serialului Si In Afara De Efecte Nu Mi-o Placut. Adica Clary Asta Nu Ma Convinge Deloc Si Jace Parca Nu E Destul De Arogant :)) Nha Ramane Sa Vedem In 2016, Poate O Sa Avem O Surpriza Placuta :) De Twilight Nici Nu Stiu De Ce Se Mai Vorbeste ... Really ? Am Adorat Povestea, Pe Vremea Respectiva. Am Citit Toate Cele 4 Carti In Saptamana Din Inaintea Bacului :)) Daaa, Colegi Mei Invatau, Eu Citeam Twilight :)) Si Mi-o Placut Tare Mult. Dar Cu Filmele Si Cu Toata Publicitatea They Ruined It For Me. Chiar Daca Imi Place Ceva Tare Mult Daca Vad Intr-una Si Peste ToT Acel Ceva, Ajungi Sa Te Scarbesti. ( Ma Refer La Obsesia Pentru Robert Pattison ) In Loc Sa Lungeasca Atata Povestea Asta Cu Twilight Mai Bine Ar Continua The Host :D Nu Sunt James Bond Fan. Dar Cred Ca Cea Mai Tare Melodie Din Seria James Bond O Sa Ramana Cea A Lui Adele - Skyfall :)
RăspundețiȘtergereImi place The 1975, cred ca la fel de mult ca tie :)). Si merci pentru melodia lui Sam Smith, nu o ascultasem pana acum. E faina. :D
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte frumoase melodiile. Îmi place foarte mult Sam Smith ,am tot albumul In The Lonely Hour. Nu am văzut niciun episod din serialul Teen Wolf , dar am vizionat filmul City of Bones ,dar care nu mi-a plăcut. S-au întâmplat atâtea lucruri care nu erau în carte ,încât nu îmi puteam imagina cum îi vor face o continuare după cea de-a doua carte (eu am citit cinci cărți din seria Instrumente Mortale ). Mă bucur ca o să se facă serialul Shadowhunters,iar din trailer pare foarte interesant . Nu pot să afirm ca îmi displace ideea lui Stephenie Meyer "Life and Death :Twilight Reimaginated " (chiar sunt puțin curioasă ) ,dar voiam să înceapă o nouă serie. Eu acum citesc Gazda și îmi place foarte mult.
RăspundețiȘtergereGazda <3 ! Am vazut filmul si oh, Doamne m-am indragostit de actori si personaje. Si eu vreau sa citesc cartea, dar mi-as lua-o cu coperta tie-in ^.^
Si eu vreau sa vad filmul ,dar mai intai trebuie sa termin cartea :))
ȘtergereSi eu sunt de parere ca ceea ce face Stephanie Meyer si cea care a scris cele 50 de umbre fac totul pentru le money... adica, si asa umbrele sunt destul de plictisitoare si finalul este previzibil, acum vrea sa o luam de la capat ca sa vedem acelasi lucru?! Am citit la o colega primele 2 capitole sa vad ca poate na, sunt eu mai critica si poate din perspectiva lui cartea e mai interesanta, but nope! E patetica iar limbajul folosit... make me give myself continously face palm :))
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca vrei sa citesti o carte de acest gen in care ti se prezinta perspectiva unui personaj antagonist, iti recomand Destroy Me din seria Shatter Me de T. Mafi. Este pur si simplu incredibila si te face sa-ti schimbi complet viziunea asupra cartii si sa intelegi mai bine personajul, convingerile si actiunile lui. Nu cred ca am mai citit o astfel de carte care sa-mi placa atat de mult mai ales pt ca le consideram inutile. Au fost pasaje la care ma incrutam, altele la care radeam si sufeream alaturi de personaj.
Daca vrei, iti pot lasa volumul in lb. engleza ( este seria pe care am citit-o in engleza) pe mail :) E micut si usor de parcurs.
P.S.: Dóh, abia acum am realizat ca am facut dezacorduri mari :)) Sorry! But you get the ideea! :))
ȘtergereO ador pe Tahereh Mafi <3 Si cred c-o sa-mi iau si eu cartile in engleza - ca daca stau dupa editura noastra... mai am mult si bine de asteptat!
ȘtergereIti multumesc mult, insa nu citesc carti in PDF ~.~" (ma dor ochii foarte tare)!
Destroy me doar PDF o gasesti pentru ca este "nuvela"satelit pentru serie si a fost realizata doar in format electronic :( Si eu m-am chinuit putin pentru ca scrisul e foarte ingramadit si micut dar am rezistat si nu regret :))