
NEW 'Flintstones' Movie?

by - mai 08, 2014

The team behind the absurdist poetry of Anchorman are taking on the bold challenge of dragging the Flintstones franchise out of the stone age.

Will Ferrell and Adam McKay are all set to produce a shiny new animated movie starring the 'modern stone age family' under the Warner Bros banner.

The Flintstones was The Simpsons of it's day when it aired between 1960 and 1966, but it also went onto to entertain millions in the following decades when it was aired on syndication.

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  1. Vaai ce dor mi-e de aceste desene. Ar fi super sa mai vad inca un film, chiar daca cele vechi au oricum o semnificatie aparte.

  2. Nu am mai vazut de mult timp desenele acestea. Obisnuiam sa le urmaresc cand eram micuta :)
